
Amelia Flynn is a certified baby and child sleep consultant servicing Coffs Harbour to Port Macquarie, NSW. When it comes to sleep, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

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Terms and Conditions

Nurture Sleep

The information provided by Nurture Sleep is for informational purposes only with the intention to assist with childhood sleep problems which are unrelated to medical conditions. Information provided by Nurture Sleep on all platforms including website, social media, newsletters, written correspondence, tailored sleep plans, SMS or provided verbally is not to be intended to be a substitution for seeking necessary professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. A client or potential client of Nurture Sleep should always seek the advice of their medical practitioner for any healthcare related questions and before embarking on a sleep program. If a medical problem presents itself or persists, Nurture Sleep encourages the client to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Limitation of liability

In no event will Nurture Sleep be liable for any loss, damage, injury, liability, cost or expense caused by any information or services provided to the client.

Terms and Conditions for Packages and Services

These terms and conditions apply to all packages and services provided by Nurture Sleep.

  1. All consultation feeds must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the initial consult, whether by phone, video, or in person, and Nurture Sleep reserves the right to postpone or cancel the consultation until full payment is received.
  2. If a client decides not to proceed with the consultation after payment, 50% of the fee will be refunded as long as cancellation occurs 48 hours prior to the initial scheduled consultation. If the client decides to no longer continue with their purchased package in the follow up period after the initial consultation, whether by phone, video, or in person, has occurred and sleep plan and/or resources guide has been written and sent to the client, no funded will be given.
  3. Should the client need to put the consultation on hold after commencement, arrangement will be made at the discretion of Nurture Sleep.
  4. The client understands that if Nurture Sleep should need to cancel the client’s appointment for reasons beyond Nurture Sleep’s control, the next available appointment will be offered to the client. The client understands that they may request a refund if the next available appointment is not convenient to them.
  5. Nurture Sleep reserves the right to terminate services without refund if the client becomes uncooperative, threatening, or if there is any reason to believe that the parent is not taking reasonable steps to ensure the care of safety of the child. This includes not disclosing the child’s medical conditions, bed sharing with their child(ren), putting baby to sleep on their side or tummy or not following the safe sleep guidelines provided by Nurture Sleep.
  6. The client is expected to follow the safe sleep guidelines provided by Nurture Sleep
  7. Nurture Sleep takes no responsibility for the results of the client’s sleep plan. The client acknowledges that consistency is best when implementing new sleep habits. The client acknowledges that their child’s progression will be reflective of their ability to continually implement the advice given by Nurture Sleep.
  8. Implementing change for your child can be emotionally and challenging work. By undertaking this program, you are agreeing to aspects of controlled crying, if that is the recommended sleep technique, however you are free to stop at any time if you feel uncomfortable or worried, at no expense to Nurture Sleep.
  9. Due to the rate with which a baby’s sleep evolves Nurture Sleep reserves the rights to alter and update their opinion based on new conditions.
  10. Nurture Sleep will make reasonable attempts on the scheduled follow up days as arranged with the client, to make contact, according to the client’s package.  However, if the client is not answering the phone, SMS or video chat feature, Nurture Sleep is not responsible, and no refund or substitute service will be provided.
  11. The client agrees to pay mileage costs to Nurture Sleep, at the current rate as identified by the Australian Tax Office, for each kilometre travelled to the client’s place of residence and return, that is over and above 20km from Nurture Sleep’s usual place of business.
  12. If at any stage during the consultation process the client expresses any concerns about underlying health issues their child may be experiencing, or if any information shared with Nurture Sleep raises any red flags, Nurture Sleep reserves the right to delay progression of sleep training or advise the client to halt any current sleep training until the appropriate medical advice and been sought and clearance given to resume working with Nurture Sleep.


The client agrees that by booking and paying for a sleep package or service they have acknowledged, read and understood these terms and conditions of services set out by Nurture Sleep.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

The client acknowledges that they are privy to confidential and private information and understand that Nurture Sleep owns the Intellectual Property of the contents contained within their consultation package. By purchasing a package or service, the client agrees that they will not on-sell, disseminate, distribute, screen shot or forward any information received as part of their consultation including, but not limited to, private and public online forums, emails, and social media, to other persons not involved in this individualised consultation.


Nurture Sleep is fully covered with professional insurance through IICT insurance.


The client hereby indemnifies Nurture Sleep to the fullest extent from and against any and all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and expenses, including reasonable lawyer’s fees, arising out of or in any way related to the client’s breach of any of the provisions of these terms.

Entire Agreement

The terms listed above including legal notices and disclaimers contained on this website constitute the entire agreement between Nurture Sleep and the client in relation to the use of this website and supersede all prior agreements and understandings with respect to the same.


“Nurture Sleep”: Amelia Flynn, or any employee or contractor of Nurture Sleep.

“Client”: The person receiving the services and/or information provided by Nurture sleep.