Describe the sleep environment, e.g. room is brightly lit or dark, lots of toys, quiet or noisy?*
Does your child have a pre-sleep routine or ritual? If yes, please describe this.
If your child is eating solids please explain what your child is eating, at what times and how much.
Do you work outside the home? If yes, who looks after your child, how do they get your child to sleep and at what times?
Please describe your child’s naps – when and for how long?*
What are your concerns regarding your child’s naps and night sleep? What would you like to work on solving?*
Have you tried anything to solve this? If so, what was the result?
Please describe your child’s temperament and personality – e.g. easygoing, fussy, grumpy etc?*
Please briefly describe your parenting style – do you prefer to have flexibility or do you like routine and strict guidelines? Would you consider yourself an attachment parentAttachment parenting is a parenting philosophy that proposes methods aiming to promote the attachment of parent and infant not only by maximal parental empathy and responsiveness but also by continuous bodily closeness and touch. More?*
Do you have regular commitments that require you to be out of the house at certain times, e.g. school run, kindy drop offs and pick-ups? If so, please state what time you leave the house and when you are back at home.
Please describe your child’s development – are they reaching age appropriate milestones? Smiling, reaching, laughing, rolling, sitting unassisted, crawling, standing, walking etc?*
Please describe a typical day from wakeup to bedtime – include feed times, sleep times, activity etc*
Please describe a typical night from bedtime to wake up, including times – how often does your baby wake up, at what times, when do you feed them, how are they settled back to sleep etc*
Please provide any additional information that you think will be relevant.